Puzz.link Stats

This website displays your puzz.link stats and also creates a Bookmarklet for ease of use.


Saving the script as a Bookmarklet allows you to more easily see your genre stats without going to this website every time.

You can drag and drop the following link into your bookmarks bar. To try it out, go to the puzz.link database, checkmark some genres (while in 'only' mode), then click the bookmarklet. If you don't have any genres selected, then it will load stats for all genres (this may take a few seconds).
puzz.link Stats

Each time you click the bookmarklet, a single API call will be made with your token.

Mobile Bookmarklet Instructions (Chrome)
  1. Hold on the "puzz.link Stats" link above and click "Copy Link"
  2. Click "Add to Bookmarks" in the Chrome menu
  3. Press "Edit" (or find "Edit Bookmark" in the menu)
  4. Replace the URL value with the previously copied text
When you're on the puzz.link database, you can use the bookmarklet by simply clicking on it in the Bookmarks menu.

I just want the script!

Here you go!

I want to see my stats.

  1. Go to puzz.link/db (make sure you're logged in)
  2. Inspect Element and go to the console or hit Ctrl+Shift+J
  3. Paste the following: localStorage.getItem("token") and hit Enter
  4. Copy and paste the result below (don't worry about stray quotes):
Note: You should NOT generally share your token with others! I do not save your token (you may view the source code here). To view your genre stats, click the button below. This will make a single API call using your token.