
Penpa+ has disabled external scripts so these tricks no longer work on the default Penpa+. I now host my own penpa fork, dangerous-penpa-edit that will not be maintained but allows external scripts. Links on this page will send you to my fork, dangerous-penpa-edit.

I recommend solving my previous Angle Loop first.

Note: This puzzle is not solvable on mobile.

Sorry if the lines take a couple of attempts to draw :( The code is a little jank, and I wish that it was cleaner because I think the concept is cool.


Minor hint You have limited vision AND short reach in this puzzle.
Slightly bigger hint The puzzle seems almost solvable like my previous Angle Loop, up to a point where some connections can't be made. How can you make those connections?
Giveaway Open up two browser windows with the same link and connect points across the two windows.